Organization of Futa is a computer animation that discovers the globe of drag queens, especially those that recognize as futanari. For those not familiar with the term, futanari is a sub-genre of Japanese anime and manga that includes hermaphroditic personalities, typically women with both women and male genitalia. This computer animation is totally committed to this often debatable and distinct subject, so audiences ought to know this prior to diving in.
Discussion: Total Comments : 11
What a content for my next book i wish be with tsunade like this
I'm just going to drop the Death Note right here by donzo
Brother I told you not to disrespect the uchihas
My descendants are doing the same thing and I kind of want to die after seeing that s*** from heaven
What the f*** are my descendants doing
Tobirama Senju:
Tskk, damn nasty Uchihas
This is why I joined the akatsuki
Uchiha these days tsk
What going On?
Light yagami :
Itachi was right, when he ended the Uchihas
Why are you guys teaching my innocent little brother these this this is why i killed all the uchihas